About Us
St. John's Episcopal Preschool adheres to a holistic approach of early childhood education. When we expose children to different environments and varied learning experences, we encourage them to explore their self-awareness and gain a sense of the world around them. Once a child leaves our preschool, they are fully prepared for their next stage of education.

Faith and Spirituality
Understanding and developing a sense of faith and spirituality begins at an early age. At St. John's children learn about how God loves them and how they can love God and their neighbor. Children meet in chapel once a week where they pray and hear a story from the bible.

Preschool Committee
The Preschool Committee of St. John's Episcopal is a committee of the Vestry (governing church body) that gives advice, direction and support to the director and staff of the preschool. Topgether they set the vision and mission of our school and make sure the administrave needs are being met. For more information about our preschool committee, Please contact Fr. Peter Floyd at 704-366-3034.
Parent Association
The Parent Association of St. John's Preschool helps support our teachers, staff, and school by volunteering and overseeing a number of activities that offer enrichment and support of our mission. If you would like more information, please contact the preschool office at preschool@stje.org.